Partnership Packages
President's Address
St Andrews Women in Business is a business organization that promotes female empowerment and the success of women within the workplace.
Not only is it a community of inspiring, driven, and earnest individuals, but it is also where we grow as both students and young professionals.
StAWIB is the defining experience of our members' university careers.
What StAWIB Offers
St Andrews Women in Business guides its members
each step of the way to grow and realize their potential.
Leadership Development
Resume Workshops
Case Workshops
Personal Branding
Industry Insight
Career Planning
Coffee Chats
Industry Roundtables
Gender & Equity Panels
Networking Events
Women in the Workforce Conference
Lunch and Learns
Club-wide Social Events
Sponsorship Packages
Platinum (£1100/Year)
Includes all Gold, Silver, and Partner terms.
Partners will be entitled to sponsor our annual Ball and End of Year Event
Each Platinum Partner will be paired with a student representative. This student will work with you to aid in advertising your business to society members, provide information on internships and postgraduate opportunities, and meet your specific needs.
Gold (£750/Year)
Includes all Silver and Partner terms.
Partners will be entitled to an individual page on our website to promote graduate recruitment opportunities and events.
Partners will have the opportunity to sponsor a piece of clothing merchandise or our membership cards.
Partners will be included in the WIB's annual Women In Business Christmas Event.
Silver (£500/Year)
Includes all partner terms.
Partner shall be promoted with regular emails to WIB members via our mailing list and social media platforms.
Reminders will include application deadlines, graduate recruitment information, and events within and outside of St Andrews (to encourage internships, networking, etc).
WIB will distribute any provided merchandise at events, such as at the St Andrews Fresher's Fayre or Women in Business Fayre.
WIB will aid the coordination of events in St Andrews, including venue bookings, advertising, and other support in hosting.
Partner (£250/Year)
Partner logo placement and advertisement.
Logo placed on "Sponsors & Associates" page of WIB website.
Logo on all WIB publications produced throughout the year.
Logo placed in the signature of all emails sent from WIB.